Law firms could comprise of a single attorney or they could be multi staffed legal organizations. Usually the lawyers working at a firm are experienced with handling all sorts of legal issues which any business might be facing. It should be kept in mind that law firms might specialize in a certain genre. It all depends upon your particular kind of legal issue. You would need to determine which law firm you should be going to based upon the type of practice. For example you may need to observe and choose between litigation, criminal, defense or transactional.
When it comes to solving legal issues there is no one size fits all solution. This is why it is so important to choose the right law firm because it can make an impact on your outcome.
You may need to consider number of factors when hiring a law firm these include your finances, your geographical location and your own personal preference.
Following is a list of different types of law firms found in most areas.
Single attorney firms
These are sole practitioners and are responsible for handling legal matters on a variety of topics. Like personal injury or even family law. Some lawyers specialize in one particular area. Working with a solo lawyer comes with its own benefits. It is a good option especially if you are on a tight budget. They tend to be generally less expensive then the larger legal firms. They may outsource the staff by hiring paralegals and legal experts to assist them in special cases. Another benefit is that you might get undivided attention of your lawyer. This also has made communication easier.
Smaller law firms
These are law firms which usually employed two to ten lawyers. These individuals are close knit circle and somehow retain the feel of a sole law firm. Client may receive one-on-one attention but they would also enjoy representation on a wide range of legal subjects.
Full service law firms
A full-service law firm comprises of dozens of lawyers, paralegals, the administrative staff and human resource specialist. At a large law firm you can be assured that the specialize in all the areas of law and have a big legal department. They are able to handle all kind of legal work which might include business transactions and even criminal matters. They also work in the family law genre.
It is necessary that you carry out research when looking for law firms to represent you or your business. the best way to find out about all of them is by taking a look at the website and reading the testimonials of the previous clients. Another way to find out about a law firm is to approach people who you think may have hired Brisbane lawyers in the past. These people are a treasure trove of information. They not only help you find a lot of firms who would be able to help you but you also get information about their experiences with them.